Category Archives: Very interesting Scientific articles
Pearl Jewelry – Fashion Trends For Modern Age
The classic elegance and luster of pearls has become more of a curse than a blessing. They may be considered lovely jewelry but are usually relegated into the background, in stuffy events like weddings, christenings and coming out balls. Pearl … Continue reading
Using the Sun for Power – How It Works
With massive rebate programs and tax credits being issued by state and federal governments, using the sun to generate electricity is very popular. So, how does it work? Generating electricity from the sun is all about converting sunlight into power. … Continue reading
The Bio-Ethanol Fuel Dilemma – A Qualitative Research
ABSTRACT Bio-fuels are non-fossil fuels, produced from agriculture sources, residues, and waste. Bio-ethanol refers to ethanol produced from crops (e.g., corn-ethanol and sugar-ethanol) and from waste (i.e., biomass-ethanol). “The motivation for developing bio-ethanol as a transportation fuel is based on … Continue reading
Ergonomics – Are you sitting comfortably?
Ergonomics is, basically, the science of comfort. It is the study of how your equipment affects you when you are at work, both in terms of maximising your efficiency and reducing any health risks that might be present. Where you’ve … Continue reading