Category Archives: Very interesting Scientific articles
Ball Bearings Are Flat – Another Myth Crushed
What shape are ball bearings? They are shaped like a ball, as everyone knows, right? The funny thing about what everyone knows is that everyone can be wrong. For instance, everybody thinks that the America’s Cup is an ocean-sailing race, … Continue reading
Animals and The Melting Arctic Ice Cap
The arguments for global warming can sound a bit vacuous when discussing temperature changes of only one degree. The impact of the melting Arctic ice cap on animals is much more tangible. Animals and The Melting Arctic Ice Cap There … Continue reading
The Interesting Eagle Nebula
The Eagle Nebula, associated with open star cluster M16 of the Milky Way, was named for its dramatic similarity to the appearance of an eagle. Located 7000 light years from Earth, it is a component of the constellation Serpens (for … Continue reading
Desert Problem For Young Earth Creation Science
Young-earth creationists have a problem. According to their creation model, all the fossil-bearing rock layers in the world need to be created during the Flood of Noah. Fossils, in ancient rock layers, imply that death occurred before the Fall of … Continue reading