Category Archives: Very interesting Scientific articles
Is Solar Power The Immediate Answer To Our Energy Woes ?
We are looking for an across-the-board solution for our present exorbitant consumption of gasoline and it seems as though there is none, at least for the present. We are looking at Ethanol additive to our present gasoline formulas, but this … Continue reading
Big Bang Booming – Back To The Future
Theoretical cosmologists spend much of their time perfecting what is now known as the ‘Big Bang’ theory. This concept originates from ideas percolating in the minds of scientists, theologians and astronomers down through the ages. However, much of what they … Continue reading
SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and the Aliens Conundrum – Part I
I. The Six Arguments against SETI The various projects that comprise the 45-years old Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) raise two important issues: (1) do Aliens exist and (2) can we communicate with them. If they do and we can, … Continue reading
President Clinton says Biotech Industry has a Job to Do
At the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) convention earlier this month in Chicago, former President Bill Clinton sent a message to those in attendance: the biotechnology industry has a job to do. In his speech, the former President discussed the importance … Continue reading