Category Archives: Very interesting Scientific articles
Grameen Shakti and the Solar Revolution
Grameen Shakti is a renewable energy resources company based out of Bangladesh. They are a part of the Grameen family of companies, which has been working for decades to alleviate the burdens of poverty in developing countries. The Grameen Bank, … Continue reading
The Invention Of The Atomic Clocks
Louis Essen was born in 1908 in a small city in England called Nottingham. His childhood was typical of the time and he pursued his education with enjoyment and dedication. At the age of 20 Louis graduated from the University … Continue reading
Metal Detectors – Pre-Purchase Guidelines
Metal detectors – When people think of Metal Detectors, some people think of combing a beach in search of coins or buried treasure while other people think of security, or the handheld scanners at a concert or sporting event. Metal … Continue reading
Saving The World With Forensic Science
Forensic Science is the application of science in forensic studies, the forensic part of forensic science implies that it is to be utilized in some form or another with a court of law and is relevant to legal proceedings. Forensic … Continue reading