Daily Archives: 04/15/2012
Learn More about Diamonds
A Diamond is a mineral made of carbon that is crystallized. In fact a diamond is more than 99.95% pure carbon. The remaining 0.05 percent of the elements often influences the crystal’s color and shape. The diamond is also by … Continue reading
A Bird’s-Eye View of Wolves
Wolves are a widely studied species in Yellowstone. Since wolves were reintroduced to the park after an absence of almost 80 years, scientists spend a lot of time studying the animals’ unique behavior. “Our knowledge of wolves is vast due … Continue reading
Reversing Mother Nature, Part Three
We talked to North America’s leading In Situ Leach (ISL) uranium mining engineers, and had them explain exactly how ISL worked. Most of the significant ISL operations in the United States were designed and/or constructed by these engineers. They explained … Continue reading
An Overview of the Sun
The Sun is the centerpiece of our solar system, the gravity force that keeps everything together. Here is an overview of this source of our existence. An Overview of the Sun The Sun is a star, one of billions in … Continue reading